There are a lot of amazing kids out there making a difference in our community. Abby Gore gave up her Sunday to do something great according to KTTC. She sat outside on her home in the heat to make a difference for a few kiddos going through cancer.

The article said Gore saw on the news a story about an Indiana girl scout who had died but was raising items for her local hospital. She wanted to do something similar to honor the great things the other girl scout had been doing.

She set up shop in the heat. Her goal was to collect art supplies, so those going through chemotherapy had something to do during their treatment. KTTC said she collected things like drawing supplies, paints, paper and other art supplies. While outside, she also sold lemonade to go buy more supplies with the money she made. People in our community rallied behind the cause and Gore was able to raise around $100, on top of the other donations she got.

It's so awesome to see little kiddos taking initiative in our community to make a difference like that.

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