Rochester Has a Crazy Thomas Rhett Connection – [LISTEN]
I was stunned when I heard this! Did you catch this call yesterday on Afternoons With Val?
Randy likes to call Quick Country 96.5 sometimes, and he told me a story I was super happy to listen to!
Let's put this in perspective for a moment. I'm only 27, and Thomas Rhett is actually just two months younger than me. So, he probably graduated college in 2011 or 2012 just like I did.
Randy in Rochester told me that his family attended an alumni event at Lipscomb University in Nashville (for his daughter who also when there), where Thomas went to school! Here's the crazy thing... Thomas attended the event!
Okay, I would not have been able to keep my cool if Thomas Rhett and Lauren Akins were in front of me at an alumni event! Would you have been able to!? I definitely wouldn't after hearing this news!
I mean, could they be any cuter? Congratulations to the happy couple!