It was a rough morning for this girl!

My morning seemed to be off to a good start, minus the fact that I hit snooze a few times (the recent time change is still messing with me...).

I'm one of those girls that LOVES her fru-fru drinks. You know, Mochas, Lattes and all that deliciousness. If I can't have that in the morning, I'd rather just drink an energy drink. So I buy this energy mix called Amino Energy. They started making coffee flavors not long ago. You mix it with milk and, no lie, it tastes like a legit coffee shop delight.

This morning I made my "coffee" and went to work. When I got here, I took a huge drink of what I expected to be an amazing concoction. OH, HELL NO! I wanted to spit it out, but there is so much equipment in this studio. I thought, is my almond milk bad?" No, that's not it. So I take the cover off, and this is what I see:

Amino With Milk
Amino With Milk

OMG that is straight PURPLE milk... I mixed my grape flavored Amino with milk. No wonder they don't make grape milk. It was HORRENDOUS and bitter!

In my defense, the bottles are fairly similar in color - especially in a dark kitchen.

In any case, it sure did get my morning started off on the wrong foot. And it's not even Monday!

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