If you're still stumped on what to be this Halloween, you could take a clue from these folks-- and recreate a costume you wore when you were a kid.

I don't recall any really original costumes I wore as a kid for Halloween. I think I wore my dad's Army uniform one year; another year I remember dressing up as a makeshift Frankenstein, courtesy of my mom's green rubber kitchen gloves and a mask from Shopko.

However, if I tried to recreate that same Army uniform costume today, though, I'd be accused of violating the Stolen Valor Act (and rightfully so), so that one's out. And, one of my few rules of thumb for Halloween costumes is to never wear one that interferes with your ability to successfully drink a beer-- so that rules the Frankenstein mask out, too.

These folks had much better luck recreating costumes they wore when they were kids...




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