Getting a college education is a big decision. It's also a big decision deciding where you want to get that degree. If you are on the hunt for the perfect school or your child or someone you know, Wallethub made a list just for you: The Top 10 Colleges and Universities in Minnesota.

The number one school is actually one right here in Southern Minnesota! Carleton College came in as the best college/university in the entire state. So if you're looking to stay close to home when getting your education, you're in luck.

In order to determine these rankings, Wallethub looked at a few different categories:

Admission Rate
Net Cost
Student-Faculty Ratio
On-Campus Crime
Gender & Racial Diversity
Graduation Rate
Post-Attendance Median Salary

I'm pretty excited that my alma mater, the University of Minnesota, Morris, made the list! Check out the top 10 best colleges and universities in Minnesota.

KEEP READING: Top 10 Colleges and Universities in Minnesota


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