Val’s Hunk Of The Week: Chris Pratt
No only is he a native Minnesotan, he's a wonderful family man!
Ladies, you know what it's time for... he's the eye candy that's oh so dandy with the junk in the trunk you think you thunk... time for this week's hunk, Chris Pratt!
We've known him for some time now already.
My awareness of Chris came when he played loveable misguided dork, Andy, on Park & Recreation. While he was awesome in that role, the one that really catapulted him to fame was playing Star-Lord in Guardians Of The Galaxy!
To top it off, he's celebrating the success of the second movie in that series! I know, amazing movies, right!? I won't be disappointed if another one is made. Not one bit. The abs don't hurt either... just sayin'!
We know Chris is funny (and can be serious too! Check out Passengers for sure!), but he's also a really sweet family man. He's been married to Anna Faris since 2009. He's got a lot of love for her, and their son Jack!
I can't wait to see what he acts in next! It's going to be amazing!
Chris is no stranger to visiting kids in hospitals around Seattle as Star-Lord either! How cool is that!?
Okay... I'm on eye candy overload right now, so I'll spare you more photos.
Thanks for joining me this week! Who should our next hunk be?
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