We’ve Lost A Lot Daylight Since Summer Started in Minnesota
Sure, it's still pretty much the middle of summer in southeast Minnesota, but our days are actually getting shorter and shorter. Check out how much daylight we're already lost since summer started last month.
Thanks to the summer solstice on June 21st, we enjoyed the day with the longest amount of sunlight almost one month ago already. (And, it's hard to believe the First Day of Summer, as it's also known, was nearly a month ago, isn't it?!?)
But since then, though, even though it's still mid-summer, we're actually LOSING minutes of sunlight each day. Right now, of course, there's still way more sunshine. But on September 21st, things equal out, and we'll continue to lose minutes of daylight all the way until the winter solstice on December 21st, which is the shortest day of the year.
So how much daylight are we losing these days here in Minnesota? Well, according to Reference.com, we're losing about a minute every three days. Which, if I do my math correctly, equals out to about 20 seconds a day. Which is not quite 10 minutes less than back on June 21st! Yikes!
And, of course, as what's left of summer not-so-slowly moves along, the amount of daylight we lose each day increases, as well. Which is a subtle change from the spring, when the minutes of sunlight we experienced each day was still increasing.
Oh well. There's not much we can do about it-- and there's still a lot of summer left, right? So get out and enjoy it while you can... before it gets dark at 4pm!
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