When’s the Perfect Time to Chase Waterfalls in Minnesota?
Even though we've had a stretch of cold weather, snow is still melting around our neck of the woods in Minnesota. The melting and the slowly warming temperatures usually gets people in the mood to get outdoors more often and do some exploring, like checking out waterfalls. So when is the best time to chase waterfalls in Minnesota?
I enjoy the outdoors, getting out to go hiking and camping, but I don't think I've ever planned a trip around peak waterfall time. If you're hoping to catch waterfalls when they're really raging after the snowmelt, start to plan a trip now because waterfall season doesn't stick around.

This time of year is sort of the beginning of waterfall season. But it all depends on the temperatures of course. If it's been too cold then waterfall season will move ahead in the calendar a bit. But according to Exploring the North Shore that waterfall season, especially in the north shore area, typically begins late March.
Unfortunately, the peak time to see waterfalls raging doesn't stick around too long. Things will start to calm down around mid-May. So like I said if you want to catch waterfall season, plan your trip now.
I'm excited because I have a trip planned to go up north at the beginning of May. We're hoping that the waterfalls will still be going crazy when we're up there because that would be really cool!
If you want to plan a really epic waterfall trip, keep scrolling for the perfect scenic waterfall loop around Minnesota.
CHASING WATERFALLS: This Scenic Minnesota Waterfall Loop is the Perfect Weekend Road Trip
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