You’ll Soon Be Able to Do This On Sundays in Rochester
It was only a few years ago that Minnesota made it legal for liquor stores to be open on Sunday-- finally-- and soon another business will be open on Sunday too.
This time, it's the United Parcel Service-- UPS, as we all know them-- who's going to start making their services available on Sundays here in Rah-Rah-Rochester. Well, not just here; UPS is starting Sunday deliveries nationwide the company said earlier this week.
So what's up with the change? And, if you're like me, you might have thought UPS was already DOING deliveries on Sunday, right? Well, it turns out, they weren't. Much like our regular mail delivery from the Post Office, UPS used to NOT deliver packages on Sunday.
But that's all changed now, according to this Business Insider story, thanks to Amazon. We're all so used to ordering stuff online and getting it within a day or two, that UPS has joined the fray and is trying to get its share of those Amazon deliveries by now working Sundays too.
Hold the phone, though-- the story says UPS isn't going to start delivering your stuff to you on Sundays until January 1st of next year. FedEx did the same thing-- announced that they'll also be delivering packages on Sundays starting next year-- back in May too.
So, while you're on your own for those Sunday holiday deliveries this year, but next year, you'll see both FedEx AND UPS trucks on the roads here in Minnesota on Sundays, in addition to package deliveries from the Post Office. (And, even though they've been doing it for a while now, it's still weird to see those familiar white Post Office trucks out on Sundays, isn't it?)
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and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc