How does that say go, "All good things must end"?  That's pretty much the case for the produce from our garden this year, when I picked the last two offerings from the zucchini plant the other day. Outside of a few tomatoes the critters have already attacked, there's not much left to this year's harvest. How did your garden do this year?


This year was our third year planting a garden, and we pared back a little bit, compared to other years. We planted some tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, and some egg plant.  The beans were our bumper crop this year, while our cucumbers were down. The tomatoes were hit and miss-- the cherry tomatoes did alright, but the bigger varieties didn't produce a ton. Even our zucchini, which was a big producer last year, didn't give us much this year. (Outside of that monster zucchini pictured to the left, that is.)

Now all that's left to do is pull out all the leftover plants and get the soil ready for... gasp... winter.  It seems like just yesterday we were out tilling, adding top soil and fertilizer, and getting garden patch ready to plant.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised; it is now October. But time sure does seem to be flying by-- and I'm not looking forward to seeing snow on top of where the lush, green garden once sat!


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