I Didn’t Know This Beloved Product Was Made in Minnesota
While I've been a proud resident of Minnesota for over 6 years now, and despite my best attempts to be up on all things Minnesotan, it appears I've failed at recognizing one of Minnesota's most beloved products.
Sure, I know all about all the incredible craft beers that call the Bold North home, like Surly, Summit, LTS, Forager and many more. And I know the BIG corporations that are headquartered here too, like Best Buy, Target, Land 'O Lakes, General Mills and others.
I even did a little research on some of Minnesota's Most Famous Inventions (THIS story says roller blades top the list), including a few developed right here at Mayo Clinic.
But, I'm more than just a bit embarrassed to admit that I had no idea that the popular dip, Top The Tater, was a Minnesota original too. I know, I know. My bad, people!
I mean, I've downed a container of Top The Tater numerous times, both while I've lived here in Minnesota and back when I lived in Wisconsin. But I never knew that state of its origin.
Top the Tater explained their Minnesota roots like this:
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