If you've ever gone to Foster Arend in Rochester or over to Lake City for a fun day in the water, you've probably had shoes covered in sand.  I'm not a huge fan of bringing that in my car and sometimes, I've just taken my flip-flops off and driven my car without shoes on.  But, is driving without shoes against the law in Minnesota?

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Can you legally drive in Minnesota without shoes?

I did some research, mostly because I was curious if I was breaking the law or not, and found out if it is ok to drive without shoes in the state of Minnesota.  I did find the following answer on Meshbesher & Spence Lawyers' website.

There is no law against driving barefoot. We highly recommend a shoe, though, as it provides better control than driving barefoot.

Although it might be a little bit on the nasty and gross side at times to not have shoes on in your car, you can, and you are not breaking any laws.

Photo by anja. on Unsplash
Photo by anja. on Unsplash
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LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Check Out The Top 8 Most Overrated Attractions In Minnesota

The state of Minnesota has a bunch of amazing places to visit! In fact, we've got a bucket list of 50 places you MUST visit at least once below that you can use as road trip ideas for your vacation days. Unfortunately, not ALL of the places on that bucket list are on everyone's favorite list. In fact, below are 8 "attractions" that are considered "overrated" by several Minnesotans.

Top 8 Most Overrated Attractions in Minnesota

Minnesota is known for a lot of amazing attractions! Of course, we also have 10,000+ lakes that we love to boast about. However, we have a few places that seem to be hyped a bit more than some think is necessary. In fact, there are 8 attractions in Minnesota that people say are the MOST overrated in the entire state.

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