Alongside the bird feeder, heated bird bath (which I should have turned off), gas grill, and ACOUSTIC GUITAR, life out on the deck in Rochester, MN for the last several days has been pretty special, or just plain 'bazzarro-world' to say the least!



Weds Feb 22nd 2017 was a fantastic day out on the deck. It started early morning with the birds singing like it was Spring. The air was clean & crisp and a light breeze was blowing-in from the south. Absolutely fantastic!


By late afternoon I was able to set-up shop for my first acoustic guitar session out there. It just sounds better playing out there, except the birds stopped singing because I think I frightened them away. By 4pm I had 54 degrees. Not a scorcher by any means, but I was happy to spend over an hour on one of my favorite on-the-deck activities. How about you?

What Springtime Activities have you been able to enjoy over the course of the last few days? Tell us about it at the Quick Country Facebook Page!


By the way, the REALITY CHECK starts late this afternoon. Keep it locked to Quick Country 96-5 for our Storm Center Updates brought to you by  Truckin' America, Thee Automotive Aftermarket EXPERTS!


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