Remember when we thought the addition of a play place was cool? That's nothing compared to what they're rolling out across the country. If you've been to the McDonald's on West Circle Drive, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

TSM Rochester
TSM Rochester
  • There had been talks of adding the ordering kiosks to thousands of restaurants across the country. Well, they've officially hit the Rochester area at the West Circle location. You no longer have to go to the counter and order from a person. Instead, you can customize your meal and pay via the kiosks.
  • They now treat McDonald's more like a sit-down restaurant. You don't have to wait at the counter until your food is ready. They actually bring it to your table.
  • TSM Rochester
    TSM Rochester

    More interactive. You can keep your kids entertained with this hands-on, light-up table.

  • They have modernized the restaurants. Back in the day the bright red and yellow with the giant clown, Ronald plastered on the walls. Now there's a more upscale look to most locations. Those that don't have the modern look are likely to soon.

    How do you feel about this new look? Does it make McDonald's more or appealing?

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