
Try This! An Apple Rum Raisin Bread Pudding Recipe
Try This! An Apple Rum Raisin Bread Pudding Recipe
Try This! An Apple Rum Raisin Bread Pudding Recipe
To kickoff "fall week" on Afternoons With Val, I thought it'd be great to include some apple recipes, since apples are very "fall" oriented! Today, we have an Apple Rum Raisin Bread Pudding recipe you'll totally want to serve after dinner with the kids, or among friends...
Curt and Val Compare iOS 10 Update: Review
Curt and Val Compare iOS 10 Update: Review
Curt and Val Compare iOS 10 Update: Review
If you've got an iPhone, you probably also noticed that you're being forced to update your software to iOS10. It caught me by surprise this morning, and right away I noticed a lot of things were different. Firstly, the new sound for the keyboard clicks is pretty cool...