Looking for a local way to help relief efforts for Hurrican Harvey? Look no further than this.

I've seen a lot of you asking about this, and I'm excited to share some awesome information!

This afternoon, Target Center announced that they are launching the Skyway Diaper Drive for Hurricane Harvey relief.

Diaper Prices On The Rise
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Bring donations early as possible, because it's underway already! Target Center explained in a press release,

Beginning today and ending on Friday, September 8, Target Center is inviting all downtown skyway commuters to bring new and unused diapers and wipes to the Target Center Admin Office.

All donations will be shipped to the Texas Diaper Bank in San Antonio. Since 1997 the Texas Diaper Bank has been working to meet the basic needs of vulnerable babies, children with disabilities and seniors, and the organization is requesting additional support for those affected by the national disaster."

The best part about this endeavor is that it's truly going to a local organization in Texas. This ensures that these donations get to those who really need it.

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