The Weird Retro Joe Mauer TV Commercial You Need to See Today
There may not be any Twins baseball right now due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, but we can still enjoy this 'classic' Joe Mauer TV commercial.
Has there ever been a more wholesome Minnesota sports figure than St. Paul's own Joe Mauer? He's a homegrown Minnesotan who, of course, played his entire career in his home state, ultimately donning his Twins uniform for the last time at the end of the 2018 season.
And seeing as there's currently NO baseball activity happening at all, thanks to our ongoing battle with the coronavirus, major league baseball's website-- compiled a pretty funny list of Weird Retro Commercials For Every Team. It's a cool way to get your mind off of all the heavy stuff going on in our world today and take a walk down memory lane.
Some of these commercials, like the entry from my home state Milwaukee Brewers, harkens back over 30 years to the late 80's (and, of course, features legendary broadcaster, Bob Uecker.) But the Twins' entry in the MLB Weird Retro Commercials list is only about 10 years old.
It's from the first year the Twins moved into Target Field, and features none other than Joe Mauer, who back in 2010, was coming off that amazing 2009 season (where he hit .365!) and was enlisted to help fellow Minnesota company, Kemps Dairy sell some milk.
The commercial (which you can see below) is titled 'Big Date,' and suffice it to say, in typical Minnesota-Nice fashion, Joe's 'date' isn't with some glamorous supermodel his agent set him up with, but is instead a date with...
Well, I won't ruin it for you. Take a look below and watch it for yourself-- and remember back to when the Twins were actually playing baseball, and when Joe Mauer was still a member of the team. Ahh, if only it were like that today...
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