What To Do With A Car Seat You Won’t Use Again In Minnesota
If you're a parent, you know the feeling. Your child has outgrown their car seat, and you don't know what to do with it - other than throwing it away or sell it. May I suggest an alternative?
We all know the benefits of car seats. The CDC recently noted, "In the United States, 663 children ages 12 years and younger died as occupants in motor vehicle crashes during 2015, and more than 121,350 were injured in 2014."
I was browsing Facebook and noticed an awesome post from the Olmsted County Sheriff's Department. They informed us that instead of throwing those car seats away, you can recycle them at various McDonald's locations in Minnesota.
One of them is right here in Rochester.
Mankato would be another (somewhat closer?) option as well.
This all begins the week of September 18th (at 9 AM each day), and you can bring your old cat seats in until 5 pm each day.
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