CALIA vs. Tribe Kelley: Who Has The Most Comfortable Hat?
Plenty of country stars have their own side hustles!
Carrie Underwood has CALIA for active wear, Brian Kelley of Florida Georgie Line has Tribe Kelley (a clothing line), and we can't forget Miranda Lambert's Mutt Nation Foundation! How can we keep up with it all!?? There's so many cool things from country stars out there!
Recently, I caved and bought myself Christmas and birthday presents! My Christmas present to myself was a hat from CALIA, and my birthday present to myself was a hat from Tribe Kelley.
How do they compare? Well, let's just say the styles are so different.
First, take a look at the "caviar" version of CALIA's Women's Mixed Marl Knit Beanie.
Pretty cute, right!? Now let's take a look at what Tribe Kelley offered... this is "Road Tripper" in black.
A photo posted by Val on Quick Country 96.5 (@valonquickcountry) on
Again - very cute! It's so hard to decide which one I like better. Here's the main difference that I noticed in each product: Carrie's hat is waaayyyyy lighter than FGL's. I found "Road Tripper" to be a little more heavy duty, and I found that it did a better job of actually keeping my head warm.
However, when it comes to style - it's incomparable. Carrie's has more "asthetic" to it, but FGL's is more rugged. Whichever ever one you'll like better is entirely up to your personal style preference.
My opinion: Tribe Kelley's was more "comfortable" and Carrie's had more style. Both are awesome!